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wThursday, June 09, 2005

Here's a special something for our friends at the Sheriff's Department. It is a special little Yahoo photo album titled... Sheriff's Dept.Diver Training/Scottville I hope you enjoy it, kids, because I enjoyed taking the photos.

About the Milfoil Weevils - John Ochs tells me there are three big orange buoys marking the locations where the weevils were planted. All of them are at the east end of the lake where Eurasian milfoil seemed to present the biggest problem. John says he and our Prez, Bob Haupt, put up some signs and extra floats at each site. Sounds to me like it should be pretty easy to locate those spots and avoid chopping up the area and killing the precious little critters. If you have a high speed boat of any kind, please exercise special precautions when in the 'weevil area.'

Look for the latest Hackert Lake newsletter. John tells me it should be in our mailboxes very soon. Secretary, Linda Ochs, sent me minutes of the April 2005 potluck meeting. I'll post them as soon as I get them on the internet.

posted by sherle at 3:09 PM

wSunday, June 05, 2005

Do you know what this flag means?

If you are a boater, you should know exactly what this means. It is a 'diver down' flag and here are the rules that apply to that flag.
Scuba divers or snorkelers must display a 'diver down' flag to mark their diving area.
Divers must stay within 100 feet of the vertical position of their diver down flag.
Vessels must remain at least 200 feet away from the flag.
If you are a boater, you need to know this and much more. Today I was fortunate to observe divers on the lake with my camera. Officers from the sheriff's department were in a training session. They not only gave me permission to photograph them, they gave me a copy of the Boaters Handbook. Read it. You may think 'ignorance is bliss' but ignorance of the law is no excuse if you have an accident because you didn't know the rules.

I will be back with more photos... very soon! Just had to share this info right now while they are still there.

posted by sherle at 12:22 PM

Shirley Salas
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